
Monday, February 4, 2013

Think outside the Box. Distressed Wooden Mail Sorter DIY


This is my favorite thrift find so far…here is how I repurposed a wooden old beat up box to a fancy-looking mail sorter/holder.

Original Box:


Wooden Box (Thrift Store Find)
Wooden Appliqué from Hobby Lobby
Gorilla Wood Glue
Foam Brush
Spray Paint
Sand Paper

First thing I did was clean the entire box free of anything sticky, dust, dirt and germs.
Next, I painted Gorilla Wood Glue on the back of the Wooden Appliqué using the foam brush.

Next I lined the Appliqué up in the center of where I wanted to place it, and put it down.

To ensure that your appliqué stays in place and adheres well, you want to put something heavy on top of it, like so:
After about an hour your appliqué should be secured, and you can begin spray painting.

I used Rustoleum's "Leafy Green" Satin Spray Paint.
Completely covering all sides and the appliqué, allow the paint to dry over 2 hours.
Using 120 or 220 Grit Sanding Paper, begin to rub lightly all over every edge, corner, and especially the appliqué, creating the "distressed" look.

Once done with the distressing, add some hinges to it.

You can use the box for whatever you think of - mine is to hold that weeks mail. and the best part is you can simply shut the lid and hide all the mail if your expecting company and want it to look tidy! :)

So next time you're at a garage sale, thrift store, or even your own garage/basement keep an eye out for those wooden boxes and be sure not to throw them out, instead THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!

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